I started Discover Career Coaching to help people work through the uncertainties and decisions they face when thinking about their working lives. These may arise whilst still in full time education, as a result of significant work or non-work life events, or from shifting priorities or personal realisations.

I have over twenty years’ experience of working successfully with people and organisations to help them create inspiring visions of their futures and present the best of themselves in pursuit of their goals.

After a corporate career as a chartered engineer and business strategy director, my interests in life and career development were enhanced whilst studying Organisational Psychology at Birkbeck, University of London. My focus is on helping people become more aware of what is important to them and how they can use their abilities and resources to pursue their best life.

I am a Licensed Career Counselling Services Career Coach. I hold an MSc in Organisational Psychology. I am a Certified Business Psychologist and am on the British Psychological Society’s Register of Qualifications in Test Use for Occupational Personality and Occupational Ability. I have also retained links with Birkbeck by tutoring students on Organisational Psychology, Human Resources Management and Management MSc programmes.

Alan Hayes MSc. CBP.